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The Dobson Ad-Hoc Committee

The Dobson Ad-Hoc Committee (DAHC) is a group of experts who are involved in maintenance of the Dobson part of the global total ozone monitoring network. DAHC has been formed at the meeting of Dobson operators during the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium in L´Aquila in 1996. In 1998 the DAHC has been recognized by WMO as a body providing assistance to the Scientific Advisory Group for Ozone (SAG-Ozone) of the GAW program. Members of the DAHC are ex-officio volunteers who take responsibility for particular tasks related to the maintenance of the Dobson network and closely cooperate with other specialists from the Dobson community.

Current members of the DAHC
  • Dr. Voltaire Velazco
    Intercomparisons and maintenance of the Dobson network in Euroasia, operation of the European Regional Dobson Calibration Center.
    Meteorological Observatory, Albin-Schwaiger-Weg 10, D-82383 Hohenpeissenberg, Germany , Tel: +49-8805-954 171, Fax: +49-8805-954 230, E-mail: Voltaire[dot]velazco[at]dwd[dot]de
  • Mr. Glen McConville
    The World Dobson Calibration Center, maintenance of the World Primary Standard Dobson Spectrophotometer, international comparisons, calibration technologies, instrument upgrades and spare parts.
    NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division, World Dobson Calibration Center, 325 Broadway, R/GMD1, Boulder, CO 80303 USA Tel:+1-303-497-3989, Fax: +1-303-497-5590, E-mail: ,
  • Mr. Stephen Rhodes
  • Dr. Matt Tully
    Intercomparisons and maintenance of the network in Australia and the South Pacific region.
    Bureau of Meteorology, GPO Box 1289, GPO Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia Tel.:+61 3 9669 4050, Fax: +61 3 9669 4736, E-mail: , ,
  • Mr. Ricardo Sánchez
    Regional intercomparisons and maintenance of the network in South America
    Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, Observatorio Villa Ortuzar, Av de los Constituyentes 3454, CP 1427 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: +54-011-5167 6746, Fax:+5411-45148067, E-mail:
  • Mr. SAITO Atsushi (Senior Scientific Officer, Japan Meteorological Agency)
    Intercomparisons and maintenance of the Dobson network in East Asia operation of the Asian Regional Dobson Calibration Center and the Quality Assurance Centre. 3-6-9 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo 105-8431, Japan, Tel:+81-3-3434-9127, E-mail:
  • Dr. Julian Gröbner
    Co-Leiter WRC Head of the sections: WRC-IRS, WRC-WORCC, WRC-WCC-UV,
    Ozon Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), Switzerland
    Tel:+41 81 417 51 57,
  • Dr. Ladislav Metelka
  • Mr. Martin Stanek
    Cooperation on the European Regional Dobson Calibration Center, capacity building in developing countries.
    Solar and Ozone Observatory, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Zamecek 456, 500 08 Hradec Kralove 8, Czech Republic Tel: +420-495 279261, E-mail:, mail,