The Dobson Forum Web Pages

Dobson Scientific Papers

This page contains a list of publications related to individual Dobson topics. Those references available as electronic files are directly linked. Printed papers are expected to be requested from editors. If some reasonable publications are missing in the list visitors are asked to submit them to the Webmaster.
Operation, calibration and upgrade of the Dobson Spectrophotometer
  • Asbridge, I.A., Dobson Spectrophotometer Calibration Notes. GAW/MOHP, 2000
  • Basher, R. E., Review of the Dobson Spectrophotometer and its Accuracy. Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 13.
  • Dobson, G. M. B., (1957a) Observers' handbook for the ozone spectrophotometer, in Annals of the International Geophysical Year, V, Part 1, 46-89, Pergamon Press
  • Dobson, G. M. B., (1957b). Adjustment and calibration of the ozone spectrophotometer, ibid. V, PartI, 90-113, Pergamon Press
  • Dobson, G. M. B., and C. W. B. Normand, (1962). Determination of the constants etc. used in the calculation of the amount of ozone from spectrophotometer measurements and of the accuracy of the results, ibid., XVI, Part II, 161-191, Pergamon Press
  • Dobson, G.M.B., (1968). Forty Years´Research on Atmospheric Ozone at Oxford" a History. Applied Optics, V7, 1968. Applied_Optics_v7_1968.pdf
  • Komhyr, W. D., (1961). Measurements of atmospheric ozone at Moosonee, Canada - July 1, 1957 to July 31, 1960, Canadian Meteorological Memoirs, No. 6, Dept. Transport, Met. Branch. Toronto, 96 pp.
  • Else, C. V., D. B. B. Powell, and E. L. Simmons, (1968). An improved solid state amplifier for the Dobson ozone spectrophotometer, Proc. Symp. Sur L'Ozone Atmospherique, 2-7 September 1968, Monaco, 53-55.
  • Kinisky, J. J., W. D. Komhyr, and C. L. Mateer, (1961). Measurements of atmospheric ozone at Edmonton, Canada - July 1, 1957 to June 30, 1960, Canadian Meteorological Memoirs, No. 8, Depart. Transport, Met. Branch, Toronto, 90 pp.
  • Olafson, R. A., (1968). Mercury rectifier for the Dobson spectrophotometer, Proc. Symp. Sur L'Ozone Atmospherique, 2-7 September 1968, Monaco, 63.
  • Komhyr, W. D., and R. D. Grass, (1972). Dobson ozone spectrophotometer modification, Journal of Applied Met. 11, No. 5, 858-863.
  • Walshaw, C. D. (1975), .(editor), Papers of Professor G. M. B. Dobson, F. R. S., in Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 89, 61-115
  • Komhyr, W.D., (1980). Operations Handbook - Ozone Observations with a Dobson Spectrophotometer. WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 6.
  • Komhyr, W.D. (1980). Dobson spectrophotometer systematic total ozone measurement error, Geophys. Res. Letters, 7, No. 2, 161-163
  • Komhyr, W.D., and R.D. Evans (1980). Dobson spectrophotometer total ozone measurement error caused by interfering absorbing species such as SO2, NO2 and photochemically produced O3 in polluted air, Geophys. Res. Letters, 7, No. 2, 157-160
  • Koehler, U., (1986). Recalibration of the Hoehenpeissenberg Dobson spectrophotometer 104 presuming "Effective Absorption Coefficients". J. of Atm. Chem. 4/1986, 359-374
  • Komhyr, W.D., R.D. Grass and R.K. Leonard, (1989). Dobson Spectrophotometer 83: A Standard for Total Ozone Measurements, 1962-1987, J. Geophys. Res., D7, 94:9847-9861
  • Vanicek K. (2002), Calibration history of the ozone spectrophotometers operated at the Solar and Ozone Observatory of CHMI in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. Report of the Project of the Grant Agency of CR No.: 205/01/0003, CHMI
  • Evans R.D., G.L. Carbaugh, S.J. Oltmans, B. Walsh, D.M. Quincy, M. O´Neil and M. Clark. (2004), Dobson calibration scales and application to network instruments, in Ozone - Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece, edited by C.S. Zerefos, University of Athens, ISBN960-630-103-6, 434-535
  • Smale D. (2006), Preliminary investigation: The effect of field of view restrictions on retrieved total column ozone amounts in Dobson Ozone Spectrophotometer #72, Lauder New Zealand
  • Evans R.D. (2006): Operations Handbook – Ozone Observations with a Dobson Spectrophotometer – revised version , NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division, 2006
  • Evans, R. D., G. McConville, S. J. Oltmans, I. Petropavlovskikh and D. Quincy, (2009), Measurement of internal stray light within Dobson ozone spectrophotometers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 30, 15, 4247-4258, 10.1080/01431160902825057
  • Redondas, A., R. Evans, R. Stuebi, U. Köhler and M. Weber, (2014), Evaluation of the use of five laboratory-determined ozone absorption cross sections in Brewer and Dobson retrieval algorithms, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 3, , 10.5194/acp-14-1635-2014
  • Christodoulakis, J., Varotsos, C., Cracknell, A. P., Tzanis, C., and Neofytos, A.: An assessment of the stray light in 25 years of Dobson total ozone data at Athens, Greece, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3037-3046, doi:10.5194/amt-8-3037-2015, 2015.
International comparisons of Dobson spectrophotometers
Comparison with other instruments
  • Bojkov, R.D., C.L. Mateer and A. Hansson, (1988). Comparison of ground-based and total ozone mapping spectrometer measurements used in assessing the performance of the global ozone observing system. J. Geophys. Res., 93:9525-9533.
  • De Backer H. and D. De Muer', (1991). Intercomparison of total ozone data measured with Dobson and Brewer ozone spectrophotometers at Uccle Belgium from January 1984 to March 1991, including zenith sky observations. J.G.R. 96, No.D11,20711-20719
  • Fioletov, V.E., J.B. Kerr, E.W. Hare, G.J. Labow and R.D. McPeters, (1999). An assesment of the world ground-based total ozone network performance from the comparison with satellite data, JGR, D1, 104:1737-1747.
  • Kerr,J.B., Asbridge, I.A. and Evans, W.F.J. (1988), Intercomparison of total ozone measured by the Brewer and Dobson Spectrophotometers at Toronto, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 11,129-11,140, 1988.
  • Kerr, J.B., I.A. Asbridge and W.F.J. Evans, (1989). Long-term intercomparison between the Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometers at Edmonton. In: Ozone inthe Atmosphere, edited by R.D. Bojkov and P. Fabian, pp.105-108, A. Deepak, Hampton.Va.
  • Koehler, U. and W. Attmannspacher, (1996). Long-time intercomparison between Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometers at Hohenpeissenberg. Contribution to Atm. Physics Vol. 59, No.1, 85-96
  • Koehler, U., (1999). A comparison of the new filter ozonometer MICROTOPS II with Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers at Hohenpeissenberg. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1385-1388.
  • McPeters, R. D. and G. J. Labow, (1996). An assessment of the accuracy of 14.5 years of Nimbus 7 TOMS Version 7 ozone data by comparison with the Dobson Network, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23:3695-3698.
  • Staehelin J., A. Renaud., J. Bader, R. McPeters, P. Viatte, B. Hoegger, V. Bugnion, M. Giroud and H. Schill, (1998), Total ozone series at Arosa, Switzerland: Homogenization and data comparison, J. Goephys. Res.., 103, D5, 5827-5841
  • Staehelin J., J. Kerr, R. Evans and K. Vanicek, Comparison of Total Ozone Measurements of Dobson and Brewer Spectrophotometers and Recommended Transfer Functions GAW Repoprt No. 149, (WMO TD No. 1147)
  • Vanicek, K., Dubrovsky, M. and M. Stanek, (2003).Evaluation of Dobson and Brewer total ozone observations from Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 1961-2002 (2003), Publication of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, ISBN: 80-86690-10-5, Prague,
  • Evans R.D., G.L. Carbaugh, S.J. Oltmans, B. Walsh, D.M. Quincy, M. O´Neil and M. Clark. (2004), Dobson calibration scales and application to network instruments, in Ozone - Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece, edited by C.S. Zerefos, University of Athens, ISBN960-630-103-6, 434-535,
  • Weber, M., L.N. Lamsal, M. Coldewey-Egbers, K. Bramsted and J.P. Burrows, (2005), Pole-to-pole validation of GOME WFDOAS total ozone with ground-based data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5,1341-1355,
  • Flynn, L. E., D. McNamara, C. T. Beck, I. Petropavlovskikh, E. Beach, Y. Pachepsky, Y. P. Li, M. Deland, L. K. Huan, C.S. Long, C.S. Seftor, R. Tiruchirapalli and S. Taylor, (2009), Measurements and products from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 15, 4259-4272, 10.1080/01431160902825040
  • Hendrick, F, j. -P Pommereau, F Goutail, R. D. Evans, D Ionav, A Pazmino, E Kyro, G Held, P Eriksen, V Dorokhov, M Gil and M Van Roozendael, (2011), NDACC/SAOZ UV-visible total ozone measurements: improved retrieval and comparison with correlative ground-based and satellite observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, , 10.5194/acp-11-5975-2011
  • Flynn, L., et al. (2014), Performance of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) products, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 6181–6195, doi:10.1002/2013JD020467.
  • Kuttippurath, J., Lefèvre, F., Pommereau, J.-P., Roscoe, H. K., Goutail, F., Pazmiño, A., and Shanklin, J. D.: Antarctic ozone loss in 1979–2010: first sign of ozone recovery, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 1625-1635, doi:10.5194/acp-13-1625-2013, 2013.
  • Herman, J., Evans, R., Cede, A., Abuhassan, N., Petropavlovskikh, I., and McConville, G.: Comparison of ozone retrievals from the Pandora spectrometer system and Dobson spectrophotometer in Boulder, Colorado , Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3407-3418, doi:10.5194/amt-8-3407-2015, 2015.
  • Flynn, L., C. Long, X. Wu, R. Evans, C. T. Beck, I. Petropavlovskikh, G. McConville, W. Yu, Z. Zhang, J. Niu, E. Beach, Y. Hao, C. Pan, B. Sen, M. Novicki, S. Zhou and C. Seftor, (2014), Performance of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) products , Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 10, doi:10.1002/2013JD020467
Analyses of Dobson data sets
  • Bjarnason, G.G. Rognvaldsson, O.E. Sigfusson, T.I. Jakobsson, T. and B. Thorkelsson (1992), Analysis of total ozone data from Reykjavik for the period 1957-1991. Science Inst., University of Iceland, Report RH92-3.
  • Bojkov, R.D (1995). ,The Changing Ozone Layer, - A joint publication of the WMO and the UN Environment Programme on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations.
  • Bojkov, R. D. and V. E. Fioletov, Total ozone variations in the tropical belt: an application for quality of ground-based measurements, Meteorol. Atmos Phys., 58:223-240, 1996.
  • Hare, E.W. and V.E. Fioletov, (1997). An examination of the total ozone data in the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre, Proceedings of the XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, L'Aquila, Italy, September 12-21, 1996.
  • Koehler, U.,(1995). Homogenization and re-evaluation of the long-term ozone series at the Met. Obs. Hohenpeissenberg. Final Report of the DWD-Project K/U 31.
  • Komhyr, W.D., G.C. Reinsel, R.D. Evans, D.M. Quincy, R.D. Grass, and R.K. Leonard, (1997). Total ozone trends at sixteen NOAA/CMDL and cooperative Dobson spectrophotometer observatories during 1979-1997, Geophys. Res. Lett, 24, 3225-3228.
  • Staehelin J. et al (1998). Total ozone series at Arosa (Switzerland): Homogenization and data comparison. J.G.R 103, No.D5, 5827-5841
  • Vanicek, K., Dubrovsky, M. and M. Stanek, (2003).Evaluation of Dobson and Brewer total ozone observations from Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 1961-2002 (2003), Publication of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, ISBN: 80-86690-10-5, Prague
  • Bernhard, G., R.D. Evans, G. J. Labow and S. J. Oltmans (2005), Bias in Dobson total ozone measurements at high latitudes due to approximations in calculations of ozone absorption coefficients and air mass, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D10305, doi:10.1029/2004JD005559
  • Miyagawa K. Vanicek K., Sudhibrabha S. and D. Uraiwan. Evaluation and Re-processing of Dobson Total Ozone Observations from Bangkok, Thailand, 1996-2006, Report of the WMO/JMA Regional Intercomparison of Dobson Spectrophotometers for Asia, Tsukuba, Japan, 2006
  • Vogler C., Bronnimann S. and Hansen G. Re-evaluation of the 1950-1962 total ozone record from Longyearbyen, Svalbard
  • Josefsson W. and Mikaell Ottosson Löfvenius M.,O. Total ozone from zenith radiance measurements - an empirical model approach. SHMI Report No. 130, 2008
  • Nair, PJ; Godin-Beekmann, S; Froidevaux, L; Flynn, LE; Zawodny, JM; Russell, JM; Pazmino, A; Ancellet, G; Steinbrecht, W; Claude, H; Leblanc, T; McDermid, S; van Gijsel, JAE; Johnson, B; Thomas, A; Hubert, D; Lambert, JC; Nakane, H; Swart, DPJ; (2012): Relative drifts and stability of satellite and ground-based ozone profiles at NDACC LIDAR stratospheric stations, Atmos. Meas. Tech, 5, 1301-1318, doi:. 10.5194 / AMT 5-1301-2012.
  • Nair, P. J., S. Godin-Beekmann, J. Kuttippurath, G. Ancellet, F. Goutail, A. Pazmiño, L. Froidevaux, J. M. Zawodny, R. D. Evans and M. Pastel, (2013), Ozone trends derived from the total column and vertical profiles at a northern mid-latitude station, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 13, 3, , 10.5194/acpd-13-7081-2013
  • Petkov, BH; Vitale, V; Tomasi, C; Siani, AM; Seckmeyer, G; Webb, AR; Smedley, ARD; Casale, GR; Werner, R; Lanconelli, C; Mazzola, M; Lupi, A;Busetto, M; Diemoz, H; Goutail, F; Köhler, U; Mendeva, BD; Josefsson, W; Moore, D; Bartolome, ML; Gonzalez, JRM; Misaga, O; Dahlback, A; Toth, Z; Varghese, S;De Backer, H; Stübi, R; Vanicek, K; (2014): Response of the ozone column over Europe to the 2011 Arctic ozone depletion event .According to ground-based observations and assessment of the consequent variations in surface UV irradiance, Atmos. . Environ, 85, 169-178, doi: 10.1016 / j.atmosenv.2013.12.005.
  • Petropavlovskikh, I., Evans, R., McConville, G., Manney, G. L., and Rieder, H. E.: The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Niño–Southern Oscillation on mean and extreme values of column ozone over the United States, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1585-1598, doi:10.5194/acp-15-1585-2015, 2015.
  • Park, A., Guillas, S., and Petropavlovskikh, I.: Trends in stratospheric ozone profiles using functional mixed models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11473-11501, doi:10.5194/acp-13-11473-2013, 2013.